Instructions for Completing the
ACCSC 2024 Annual Report


The 2024 ACCSC Annual Report is due on or before

 October 7, 2024.


Questions? It is best to email staff at You may also contact the Commission office at 703-247-4212 and ask to speak with a member of our Annual Report Support Team.






Updated July 1, 2024

An Overview of the 2024 Annual Report


An Annual Report is required of each accredited school (Main and Branch) that received initial accreditation prior to July 1, 2024.  This report is filed each year and covers the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 and must be completed using ACCSC’s on-line submission format. The instructions for completing the Annual Report have been formatted to assist schools by clarifying specific report questions. Please note that this document is not inclusive of every question in the Annual Report. Please contact the Annual Report Support Team at with any questions.  


ACCSC places significant reliance on the data and information submitted by schools in the Annual Report, and as such, it is of vital importance that institutions ensure that all information submitted in the Annual Report is valid, accurate, and reliable. The Commission greatly appreciates the effort that accredited institutions make to ensure that the Annual Report reflects accurate demographic, operational, enrollment, and student achievement information.


Note: The Annual Report is not the vehicle for notifying the Commission of a school’s change in name, location, ownership, etc. Failure to properly notify the Commission of a change in the school’s status is grounds for review and action by the Commission. Nonsubstantive and substantive change notification and application requirements are stated in Section IV, Rules of Process and Procedure, Standards of Accreditation. (The Standards of Accreditation are available on the ACCSC website.)


Preparing the Annual Report & Important On-line Submission Notes


·         To access the Annual Report, all you need is a computer, Internet browser, and connection to the Internet.  For the best experience, we recommend the use of either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  Using older browsers, such as Internet Explorer, may result in the inability to properly prepare and submit the annual report.  Generally, please make sure that you have an updated and not “old” Internet browser.

·         Back-up documentation is NOT to be submitted with the Annual Report. Please keep all documentation supporting the data submitted in the Annual Report on file with the school’s copy of the Annual Report. The enrollment and outcomes information collected in the Annual Report enables the Commission to analyze trends in post-secondary career education and evaluate the performance of accredited institutions relative to graduation, employment, and licensure rates. As a means to test the validity and accuracy of these data, each year the Commission tests and validates a portion of the Annual Reports received and uses a third-party auditor to verify reported employment data.

·         While the Annual Report covers the preceding reporting period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, the dates used for the Graduation & Employment (“G&E”) Chart will cover class start dates from prior to this period. Please see page 17-18 for a complete list of determining reporting periods for the G&E Charts.

·         Please note that the website will time-out if there is 45 minutes of inactivity (typing is considered inactivity). Therefore, please select “save” at a minimum of every 45 minutes. To avoid the possibility of losing information that is not saved, ACCSC recommends completing the information off-line before entering the data on the website or frequently saving the Annual Report.

·         In order to submit the report, the “complete” box must be checked for the Annual Report section and each Program Enrollment Summary, Graduation & Employment Chart, and/or Retention Chart.

·         The Annual Report cannot be submitted unless the number of students as of June 30, 2024 on each Program Enrollment Summary (“PES”) equals the number of students as of June 30, 2024 for the Totals by Credential, Gender, Age and Ethnicity. 

·         Please review your School Info page. If there is a discrepancy with the school name, address, accreditation dates, School Director etc., please contact Glenda Ward at or 703-247-4212.  If the school has a new director, please complete and upload a Change in Director form (available on the Forms and Reports page of the ACCSC website) and upload this to the College 360/Annual Report site.

·         On the School Info page, the school has the ability to input changes to some fields including e-mail address, website, and phone numbers. The school may also enter Official Correspondence Names and Emails for individuals to be copied on ACCSC correspondence (i.e., On-Site Evaluation Reports, Commission Actions Letters, Accreditation Alerts, etc.). Please note that this should include information for individuals in addition to the School Director.

·         The school’s 2023 Annual Report is available for your reference.  To access your Annual Report from the past few years, select the year under “Annual Report” at the bottom left of the main page.  Please remember to return to 2024 to enter information for this year’s Annual Report.








To log on to the Annual Report, enter your username and password and select LOGON.


Once logged on to the system, the Annual Report homepage will look like this with your school information at the top of the screen:


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To begin, select “View” under “Annual Report” on the left-hand side of the screen. Please note that you cannot complete a Program Enrollment Summary (“PES”), Graduation and Employment (“G&E”) Chart, or Retention Chart without first saving information in Part I of the Annual Report. To save the Annual Report, type in any field (such as Report Prepared by) and select save.  Many of the fields that require a number will auto-populate with the number zero (0) after save is selected.  Please make sure that the correct numbers are entered prior to submitting the Annual Report.


Part 1 – School Demographic Data


Unemployment rate: One of the places to find the unemployment rate is the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics ( Please note that the unemployment rate may not be zero.

Demographic Location: Check the option that best fits the school. 


Median Yearly Household Income: The U.S. Census Bureau may be a resource in determining median yearly household incomes.


Your local Chamber of Commerce may also assist you in determining recent unemployment rates and median household income information.


Official Correspondence Name & Email: ACCSC will send official correspondence, such as On-Site Evaluation Reports, Commission Action Letters, and Accreditation Alerts to the e-mail address(es) entered. Please note that this should include information for individuals in addition to the School Director as the School Director receives all Commission correspondence. You must complete at least one line in order to submit the Annual Report.


Part 1a – Additional Contacts


Department Director: Please enter members of school management and administrative employees (ex. Director of Education, Admissions Director, Director of Career Services, Director of Student Services). This will allow ACCSC to contact school leadership (in addition to those listed under “Official Correspondence” on the School Info tab) about Commission activities and training and volunteer opportunities. Please note that the individuals listed in this section will not receive official correspondence from ACCSC such as On-Site Evaluation Reports and School Action Letters. You must complete at least two lines in order to submit the Annual Report.


ACCSC Volunteers: This question asks schools to provide contact information for potential ACCSC volunteers from your institution to service as a Team Leader or a member of the Financial Review, Program Review, and/or Progress Committees. One of the defining characteristics of ACCSC accreditation is the involvement by a community of volunteers who support and enhance the accreditation process. This is a peer review process, and this field in the Annual Report is simply an attempt to expand the volunteer base. ACCSC will only contact email addresses entered in this field regarding volunteer opportunities and training.






Part 2 – Operations


Check this box if there are legal actions pending against the school  

This question refers to legal actions involving the school during the Annual Report reporting period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. If yes, check the box and provide a summary in the corresponding comment box.


List all other accrediting agencies: (indicate n/a or leave blank if not applicable)

This question applies to other accrediting agencies (i.e., ABHES, COMTA, etc.) but does not refer to a state licensing or industry association. Include organizations that accredit the school’s individual programs.


Was the school operating under a Warning, Probation or on Reporting as issued by any other regulatory agency (ex. accrediting agency, state) between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? If yes, check all that apply and provide a summary in the corresponding comment box.  Please note that if a school was NOT operating under a Warning, Probation or on Reporting as issued by another regulatory agency, please leave the answer blank. 


As a reminder, each accredited school must notify ACCSC of any material event or circumstance that could affect the school’s operations, policies, staff, curricula, reputation, approval status or authority to operate as a legal entity, or financial status. Such notification must be in writing, made within 10 calendar days of the event’s occurrence, and is in addition to disclosures that are required in the applications for initial or renewal of accreditation or any substantive change report. Examples of material events or circumstances necessitating such notification are listed under the “Notification Reports” section of the Rules and Process and Procedures portion of the Standards of Accreditation.


Was the school operating under a Warning, Probation or on Reporting or Heightened Monitoring as issued by ACCSC between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024? If yes, check all that apply.


Check this box if any program reviews or audits, not including fiscal year-end audit of financial statements, have been conducted by federal, state, or private agencies.  If so, please check the box and provide a summary in the corresponding comment box.


Check this box if a corporation/individual owns the school. If so, enter the corporation information including the corporate compliance officer and indicate if another corporation owns stock of the corporation that owns the school and if the school is publicly traded. If this box is checked, schools must enter at least two “levels” in the Part 2a – Ownership section.


Part 2a – Ownership


Please ensure that the ownership information is complete and accurate.


Identify the legal entity or individual who directly owns 5% or more of the school (i.e., the first level of ownership).  Please note that if the school is a non-profit entity, enter the type of non-profit (i.e., 501 c3); in the name field and 100 in the percentage field of Level 1.


Please note that if the school indicated that a corporation owns the school, the corporation name should appear in level one.


If there is more than one level of ownership existing between the entity that directly owns the school and the ultimate owners, please identify each entity and percentage of ownership in the ownership chain, up to and including the parent entity in the chain of ownership.


For example:


Level 1: Ziggy Acquisition Corporation (100% owner of the school)

Level 2: Ziggy School of Technology, Inc. (100% owner of Level 1)

Level 3: PGH Inc. (100% owner of Level 2)

Level 4: PGH Capital Fund, LP (100% owner of Level 3)


Identify the individuals who own 10% or more of the final legal entity (ultimate parent – in this example, PGH Capital Fund, LP).


Part 2b – Non-Profit Board Members


If the school is part of/owned by a non-profit organization/corporation, please certify that an individual/entity group (owner or manager) that has any financial interest in the non-profit organization/corporation does not serve as a board member, have a seat on the Board, or is not a member of the non-profit corporation.


Please list up to 20 members who serve as a board member including the board chair.


Part 2c – Operational Data


Please answer yes or no for this group of questions regarding whether the school has ACCSC approval to offer a degree program, any portion of a program via Distance Education (on-line), avocational/continuing education courses, and whether the school admits Ability-to-Benefit students.


Individual School Gross Tuition Revenue: Please note that the gross tuition must be for the individual school for the three most recent fiscal year-ends. Please enter the gross tuition revenue as submitted on the Sustaining Fee Calculation Worksheet.   


Financial Aid Participant: Please select yes or no for this question.


If yes, please provide the school's OPEID number.

This is the Office of Postsecondary Education Identification number assigned to your school by the U.S. Department of Education upon approval to participate in Title IV programs. The OPEID number can be found on the Title IV eligibility letter sent from the Department. Please enter only the first six digits of your OPEID number.  If you are not a financial aid participant, please enter 0.


Please provide the 3-year Cohort Default Rates for the three most recent years.

This information, typically released in September, should be listed in the most recent Cohort Default Rate Letter from the U.S. Department of Education to the school.   If there is no Cohort Default Rate, enter 0.  If you are unsure of your cohort default rate, please utilize the following website:


Part 2d – Substantive Changes


Please answer whether any of these changes (ex. did the school change location or change its name) occurred during the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.


Part 3 – Characteristics of Student Enrollment


The student enrollment information for the fields below will automatically appear based on the data entered in the Program Enrollment Summaries.


Ø  Student Enrollment as of July 1, 2023

This number represents all students enrolled as of this date.

Ø  Additional Enrollments: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

This number includes any additional students enrolled between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Ø  Total Enrollments

This number is the sum of the previous two questions and is automatically calculated.

Ø  Students Graduated:

This number includes all student graduates between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Ø  Students who withdrew or were terminated:

This number includes all withdrawn/terminated students between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2024.

Ø  Total Enrollment as of June 30, 2024

Student enrollment represents “Total Enrollments” minus “Students Graduated” minus “Students who withdrew or were terminated.” 


Percentage of students of the total enrollment as of June 30, 2024 receiving:

·         Title IV Financial Assistance (This should reflect the percentage of students that receive any type of Title IV financial assistance.)

·         Title IV Pell Grants

·         Title IV Loans

·         Non-Title IV Assistance (e.g. WIA, Vocational Rehabilitation, state grants, VA benefits, etc.) This question should reflect the percentage of students that receive loans and/or grants from outside entities such as states or Veterans Affairs that are external from the school.


Please note that some students may fall into multiple or all categories. If there are no students enrolled as of June 30, 2024, you may enter the percentage for students enrolled during the entire Annual Report reporting period.


How many hours did faculty, staff and students devote to Community Service projects and activities organized by the school?

ACCSC has attempted to quantify the amount of good things schools do to help their communities. The total number of community service hours are included in the annual School and Student Characteristics and Outcomes document.


Total student enrollment in any avocational / continuing education courses July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024

Please enter the total number of students enrolled in any avocational / continuing education courses offered by the school during the July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 timeframe. These can be for avocational / continuing education courses approved by ACCSC or outside the scope of accreditation.


Before submitting the Annual Report, check the box for “complete” when this section has been completed and select save. 


If there are errors, you will receive the following message:

The information has not been saved due to invalid entries highlighted in Yellow.


Programs Tab


A Program Enrollment Summary (“PES”) can only be completed after the Annual Report has been saved and the programs have been verified.  To verify the list of approved programs, go to the “Programs” tab, and select the appropriate Program Code. 






You may also edit the program length in months and credit hour type.  Once this is saved, the school can proceed with the PES, Graduation & Employment Charts, and Retention Charts sections of the Annual Report. If there are any discrepancies with respect to the program name, clock hours, credits hours, credential, and externship hours, as well as missing or discontinued programs, please contact the Annual Report Support Team at or by calling the Commission office at 703-247-4212.


Program Modifications

The program list in the 2024 Annual Report reflects program names and clock and credit hours as of June 30, 2024. Although this is what currently appears in the Annual Report, if there was a program modification prior to June 30th, please provide information for both the new and previous versions of the program. For example, a school has an 8-month Medical Assisting program with 800 clock hours and 45 credit hours and received approval for a modification during the Annual Report year for a 7-month Medical Assisting program with 750 clock hours and 42 credit hours. Please include all students for both versions of the program for the period of July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024 on the Program Enrollment Summary (“PES”). Then, please enter the program length in months on the Graduation and Employment (“G&E”) Chart. If there are students in the reporting period for only the 8-month program, you will complete a chart for that version. If there are students in the reporting period for both the 8-month and 7-month versions of the program, please complete two separate G&E Charts.



Again, the program list shows programs as of June 30, 2024. Therefore, any program modifications or new programs added after June 30, 2024 will be reflected in next year’s Annual Report and should appear on the School Directory portion of the ACCSC website


Please note that schools will be unable to submit the report if the program length is listed as 0 months. Please click on the Programs tab to edit the program length.




The Program Enrollment Summary (“PES”) provides the Commission with information regarding the approved programs taught by the school.  The data is used to develop a statistical profile of programs offered by member schools for the period of July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.


One PES per approved program should be prepared; however, in instances where a school offers a program both residentially and via 100% distance education, a PES is required for each delivery method for that program. The Commission approves programs based on clock and/or credit hours, irrespective of scheduled length, i.e., full-time, part-time, day, night, etc.  Therefore for programs with multiple lengths, the school should submit one PES and multiple Graduation and Employment Charts or Retention Charts.


To enter a PES, click on the program name in the list of approved programs and then select add under PES Forms. The list of Approved Programs will be on the main page once the programs have been verified.



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The following fields will be auto-populated from the Program tab:

Ø  ACCSC Approved Program Title

Ø  Program Code

Ø  Credential

Ø  Date Approved by ACCSC

Ø  Program Length in Months

Ø  Approved Clock Hours

Ø  Approved Credit Hours

Ø  Is an externship offered as part of this program

Ø  Externship clock hours & Externship credit hours


Total Tuition

The amount of tuition should be clearly discernible in the school’s catalog. Do not include books, supplies, rental charges, administrative fees or other charges. This field must be greater than 0.


Additional Expenses

Include any additional monies such as books, supplies, rental charges, administrative fees or other charged to students for enrolling in the program.


Average starting salary for graduates.

The school should estimate the potential annual starting salary (in thousands) of a student who has graduated from the program and has received employment in the trained field. This field must be greater than 0.


Licensure or Certification Examination is required for Employment (yes/no). Certain states may require graduates of some programs, such as cosmetology or massage therapy, to obtain a license prior to beginning employment.  If licensure is required, please answer yes and remember to complete the Licensure / Certification Examination Pass Rates Chart when preparing a Graduation and Employment Chart for these programs.


Enrollment Data


Is there reportable data on the Graduation & Employment (“G&E”) Chart for this program? (Yes/No)

If you select yes, a G&E Chart is required in order to complete and submit the Annual Report. If you select no, a Retention Chart is required in order to complete and submit the Annual Report.


To determine if a G&E Chart is needed, please see the complete list of reporting periods later in this instructions document or use the Excel version of the G&E Chart available on Forms and Reports page of the ACCSC website. Simply enter July 2024 as the report date and then enter the length in months. For example, the reporting period for an 8-month program is April 2022 through March 2023, so if there were student who started between April 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023, you would select yes that there is reportable data on the G&E Chart.


Do student take any portion of the program via Distance Education? (Yes/No)

If students take any portion of the program via distance education (online), please select yes.


If no, enter the Number of Students Enrolled as of 7/1/23 and Total Number of Additional Student Enrollments Between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24. The Total number of students will calculate automatically.


If yes, enter the following:


Number of Students Enrolled as of 7/1/23

-          Number of students enrolled in 100% Distance Education

-          Number of students enrolled in an on-campus/distance education hybrid

-          Number of students enrolled in on-campus only (if program note offered 100% online)


This is the number of students that are enrolled in the program on July 1, 2023. Please note that schools that offer a program 100% via distance education should have a separate program listed in the approved program section. In this case, schools should enter data for students enrolled in the 100% distance education program only in the Distance Education specific PES. Students enrolled in the on-campus/distance education hybrid program should be included on the “on-campus” PES.


Additional Students enrolled between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24

-          Number of students enrolled in 100% Distance Education

-          Number of students enrolled in an on-campus/distance education hybrid

-          Number of students enrolled in on-campus only (if program not offered 100% online)


Total Students will calculate automatically.


Satellite Location Enrollment

If the school has students at a satellite location, check the box for additional fields to appear.


-          Satellite location enrollment as of 7/1/23

-          Number of additional students enrolled between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24

-          Number of withdrawn or graduated students between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24

-          Satellite location enrollment as of 6/30/24 (automatically populated)


Please note that students enrolled in the satellite location must also be included in the other categories on the PES (ex. Total students enrolled as of 7/1/23 and additional students enrolled between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24).


Graduated between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24

Of the students who graduated during this time, enter the character that fits best for their status after graduation. 


Graduate Status


Employed in Field

Graduate obtained a job in-field

Employed in Unrelated Field

Graduate obtained a job in an unrelated field

Further Education: 4 year college

Graduate continued his/her education in a Bachelor’s Degree program

Further Ed: 2 year college

Graduate continued his/her education in an Associate’s Degree program

Further Ed: Trade school

Graduate continued his/her education in a Diploma/Certificate program

Further Ed: Other Training

Graduate continued his/her education in another category (ex. Master’s degree program


Graduate is not working


No information about employment or unemployment is known


Graduate was incarcerated after graduation and was unable to gain employment

Military Service

Graduate is an active military service member


Graduate passed away


Graduate has the onset of a medical condition that prevents employment

International Student

Graduate is an international student who enrolled on the basis of a student or work visa and is ineligible for sustainable employment in the United States post-graduation


Withdrew or Terminated between 7/1/23 and 6/30/24

Of the students who withdrew or were terminated during this time, break down the total number of withdrawn and terminated students by listed characteristics to show the reasons why students withdrew or were terminated.


Reason Students Withdrew


Employed in Field

Student obtained a job in-field and withdrew before graduating

Employed in Unrelated Field

Student obtained a job in an unrelated field and withdrew before graduating


Student was incarcerated and unable to continue in school

Military Service

Active military service and unable to continue in school


Student passed away


Student experienced a medical condition that prevented them from continuing in school

International Student

An international student that returned to native country prior to completing program


Student unable to continue due to financial concerns or family issues

Moved from Area

Student left the area and program is not available online

Personal Reasons

Student unable to continue due to personal reasons


Student unable to maintain sufficient attendance to complete the program


Student did not maintain satisfactory academic progress

Transfer within School

Student transferred to another program at the school


Reason other than identified options


School unable to determine why student withdrew


Total number of students enrolled as of 6/30/24

This is the enrollment in the program as of June 30, 2024 and is automatically populated from the above totals. 


The numbers for the following questions must equal the total number of students enrolled as of June 30, 2024:

·         Highest level of education upon entering the program

·         Student population by gender

·         Student population by age

·         Student population by ethnicity


Please note that the gender question includes an option for “Not Disclosed” to reflect changes in how some states request (or do not request) this information.


When a PES is completed, check the box for “complete” and select save. 


If there are errors, you will receive the following message:

The information has not been saved due to invalid entries highlighted in Yellow.



A Graduation and Employment (“G&E”) Chart can only be completed after a Program Enrollment Summary has been saved, and the school answered yes to the question “Is there reportable data on the G&E Chart for this program?” in the PES.  To complete a Graduation and Employment Chart, select the program under the PES tab and then select the “Add” button under G&E Charts. Follow these same steps to add additional G&E Charts, if necessary.


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The Graduation and Employment Chart must be submitted for each approved program with separate charts for differing normal lengths of completion, i.e., full-time, part-time, day, evening, etc.  A separate G&E Chart must also be submitted for programs that are offered 100% Distance Education or if more than 50% of the program is offered at a satellite location. 


For programs with multiple lengths, schools should submit a separate G&E Chart for each version of the program (e.g., two G&E Charts for a program with an 8-month version and a 12-month version) and one Program Enrollment Summary combining the numbers from each version.


When calculating the cohort reporting period Beginning and Ending Dates for each G&E, please use the chart at the end of this section.  Please note that the required reporting period will vary depending on program length.  In addition, please note that once in the G&E Chart, entering the “Program Length in Months” and “Save” will automatically provide the Beginning and Ending Dates.  Commission staff recommends entering the program length in months and clicking save prior to entering the other data on the G&E Chart.


You will not be able to enter a start date prior to the Beginning Date or after the End Date.  Please only report starts within the required reporting period.


The reporting period used to complete the G&E Chart is determined by taking the program’s normal length of completion (including vacations and holidays rounded to the nearest whole number) in months multiplied by 150 percent and adding three (3) months for employment.  From the Report Date of July 2024, count back the number of months (program length in months x 150% + 3 months) to establish the Ending Date of a reporting period.  From the Ending Date, count back an additional twelve (12) months to determine the Beginning Date of the reporting period. Please note that the reporting period is automatically calculated after you enter the Report Date (July 2024) and program length in months.


To convert the program length in weeks to months, divide the number of weeks (including holidays and breaks) by 4.34 and round up to the nearest whole number. Use the actual amount of time a student must commit to a program to receive the credential.


The actual program length is the amount of time a student is committed to a course of study, including breaks, holidays, and variations of schedule.  A school's catalog may show the "academic instructional length" (weeks) and the "actual program length" in either weeks or months.  The actual program length is a clear indicator to the student of the total amount of time they will have to commit to successfully complete their program.  The Commission uses the actual program length when calculating G&E Chart cohort reporting timeframes. 


Note: If your program is less than 4.34 weeks, round up to one (1) month when entering the program length in months.





The Report Date is fixed at July 2024.  The reporting period used to complete the Graduation and Employment Chart is dependent upon the length of the program in months.  Therefore, the reporting period may be different for each scheduled variation of a program. Again, the G&E Chart will automatically calculate these dates after the program length is entered and saved.


Length of Program in Months

Beginning Date

Ending Date


March 2023

February 2024


January 2023

December 2023


December 2022

November 2023


October 2022

September 2023


September 2022

August 2023


July 2022

June 2023


June 2022

May 2023


April 2022

March 2023


March 2022

February 2023


January 2022

December 2022


December 2021

November 2022


October 2021

September 2022


September 2021

August 2022


July 2021

June 2022


June 2021

May 2022


April 2021

March 2022


March 2021

February 2022


January 2021

December 2021


December 2020

November 2021


October 2020

September 2021


September 2020

August 2021


July 2020

June 2021


June 2020

May 2021


April 2020

March 2021


March 2020

February 2021


January 2020

December 2020


December 2019

November 2020


October 2019

September 2020


September 2019

August 2020


July 2019

June 2020


June 2019

May 2020


April 2019

March 2020


March 2019

February 2020


January 2019

December 2019


December 2018

November 2019


October 2018

September 2019


September 2018

August 2019


July 2018

June 2019

Length of Program in Months

Beginning Date

Ending Date


June 2018

May 2019


April 2018

March 2019


March 2018

February 2019


January 2018

December 2018


December 2017

November 2018


October 2017

September 2018


September 2017

August 2018


July 2017

June 2018


June 2017

May 2018


April 2017

March 2018


Glossary of Terms Used on the Graduate and Employment Chart


1. Class Start Date: The month and year each student cohort, or groups of student cohorts, started (a group of student cohorts occurs when there are multiple class starts within a single month).


2. Number Started: The number of students who started in the program for each start date in the period, including students entering with advanced placement.


Start: Students are considered to have been in attendance for reporting purposes (“a start”) if, as a result of their attendance, they incur a tuition/fee or other financial obligation as specified by the institution’s refund policy. Fees or other obligations (i.e., uniforms, tools, etc.) are only those associated with actual attendance; not those considered part of the application for admission or enrollment process. In any event, any student enrolled 15 days from the scheduled start date of the program must be classified as a “start” for the purpose of reporting students on the G&E Chart.


3. Transfers to Another Program/Cohort: 1. The total number of students who transferred out of this program and into another ACCSC-approved program at the school; 2. The total number of students for this program who: a. Return from an approved leave of absence; b. Are unable to complete the program within 150% of the normal program length from the original start date due to the leave of absence; and c. Transfer to a later cohort in order to graduate within 150% of the normal program length as adjusted based on the length of the approved leave of absence.


4. Transfers from Another Program/Cohort: The total number of students who transferred into this program from another ACCSC-approved program at the school, and whose progress in the program is concurrent with the students in this class start date and the total number of students for this program who return from an approved leave of absence and transfer from an earlier cohort as allowed by the “Transfer from Another Program/Cohort” glossary definition.


5. Total Starts plus/minus Transfers (Line 5 = 2-3+4): The total number of students who started, minus those who transferred out, plus those who transferred in. This is the total number of students on which graduation will be based.


6. Unavailable for Graduation: This category removes from the graduation rate calculation students who fall into one of the following classifications: death, incarceration, active military service, or the onset of a medical condition that prevents continued enrollment.


7.  Available for Graduation (Line 7=5-6): The total number of students available for graduation from the program.


8.  Withdrawn / Terminated Students: The number of students who withdrew or were terminated, within 150% of the program length, from the program. This number does not include the students classified as "Unavailable for Graduation" (Line 6).


9. Graduates within 150% of Program Length: The number of students who graduated from the program within 150% of the stated program length.


10. GRADUATION RATE: The school's official graduation rate for each cohort and for the program for the reporting period (Line 10 = 9/7).


11. Graduates - Further Education: The number of graduates that continue on with education in an accredited postsecondary institution on at least a half-time basis.


12. Graduates - Unavailable for Employment: This category removes from the employment rate calculation graduates who fall into one of the following categories: death, incarceration, active military service, the onset of a medical condition that prevents employment, or international students who are enrolled on the basis of a student or work visa and are ineligible for sustainable employment in the United States post graduation. If international students as defined here represent a majority (i.e., more than 50%) of the Total Starts for the program (Line 5), then the school may not use the “international student” exclusion.


13. Available for Employment (Line 13 = 9-11-12): The total number of students available for employment.


14. Graduates - Employed in Field: The number of graduates employed in jobs for which the program trained them. NOTE: Graduates classified as employed must be supported by documentation showing position obtained, date employed, employer, and employer contact person, address, and phone.


15.  EMPLOYMENT RATE: The school's official rate of graduate job attainment for each cohort and for the program for the reporting period (Line 15=14/13).  The school's official rate of employment is that which is used to determine compliance with accreditation requirements.


16. Graduates in Unrelated Occupations: The number of graduates employed in jobs not related to the training obtained from the school’s program.


17. Graduates Unemployed: The number of unemployed graduates.


18. Graduates Unknown: The number of graduates for which no information about employment or unemployment is available.


19. Non-Graduated Students Who Obtained Training Related Employment: The number of withdrawn/terminated students from Line 8 who obtain employment in a field related to the program in which the student was enrolled and based upon the training provided by the school.


20.  Employment Rate with Non-Graduated Students Who Obtained Training Related Employment: The school's supplemental employment rate which calculates the total number or graduated and non-graduated students who obtained training related employment.





Some states require graduates in specific fields to obtain a license prior to beginning employment.  For these programs, please complete this section underneath the Graduation and Employment Chart.


1. Class Start Date (e.g. 01/21)

The class start dates will automatically appear based on the class start dates listed on the G&E Chart.


2. Number of Graduates

This is the number of graduates from the corresponding class start date and will automatically appear from the information entered on the G&E Chart.


3. # of Graduates Taking Exam

This is the number of graduates that took the licensure / certification examination.


4. # of Graduates Passing Exam

This is the number of graduates that passed the licensure / certification examination.


5. Percentage of Grads Passing Exam

This line is automatically calculated.  For example, if 10 graduates took the exam and 9 graduates passed the exam, the total in this line would be 90.


Licensure / Certification Examination Agency Rate

Please enter the percentage of graduates that passed the exam.  This percentage represents all students that took the examination, not just the graduates of your institution. If the licensure / certification examination administering agency does not provide this information, enter 0.


When a Graduation & Employment Chart is completed, check the box for “complete” and select save. 

If there are errors, you will receive the following message:

The information has not been saved due to invalid entries highlighted in Yellow.



A Retention Chart can only be completed after a Program Enrollment Summary has been saved, and the school answered no to the question “Is there reportable data on the G&E Chart for this program?” in the PES. To complete a Retention Chart, select the program under the PES tab and then select the “Add” button under Retention Charts. Follow these same steps to add additional Retention Charts, if necessary.


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated




The Report Date is fixed at July 2024.  The reporting period used to complete the Retention Chart is dependent upon the length of the program in months.  Therefore, the reporting period may be different for each scheduled variation of a program. Please note that the Retention Chart will automatically calculate these dates after the program length is entered and saved. Please also note that although the ending date is July 2024 for programs that are 6 months or less, do not include students who started in July 2024 on the Retention Chart.


Length of Program in Months

Beginning Date

Ending Date


June 2024

July 2024


May 2024

July 2024


April 2024

July 2024


April 2024

July 2024


March 2024

July 2024


February 2024

June 2024


January 2024

June 2024


January 2024

June 2024


December 2023

June 2024


November 2023

June 2024


October 2023

June 2024


October 2023

June 2024


September 2023

May 2024


August 2023

May 2024


July 2023

May 2024


July 2023

May 2024


June 2023

May 2024


May 2023

May 2024


April 2023

April 2024


April 2023

April 2024


March 2023

April 2024


February 2023

April 2024


January 2023

April 2024


January 2023

April 2024


December 2022

April 2024


November 2022

March 2024


October 2022

March 2024


October 2022

March 2024


September 2022

March 2024


August 2022

March 2024


July 2022

March 2024


July 2022

March 2024


June 2022

February 2024


May 2022

February 2024


April 2022

February 2024


April 2022

February 2024


March 2022

February 2024

Length of Program in Months

Beginning Date

Ending Date


February 2022

February 2024


January 2022

January 2024


January 2022

January 2024


December 2021

January 2024


November 2021

January 2024


October 2021

January 2024


October 2021

January 2024


September 2021

January 2024


August 2021

December 2023


July 2021

December 2023


Please note that if there are more than 12 starts on the Retention Chart during the reporting period, please only enter the first 12 starts.


Please note that several lines including the percentage of program completed as of Report Date; percentage of program remaining as of Report Date; and total students retained are automatically calculated.


Glossary of Terms Used on the Retention Chart


1. Class Start Date: The month and year each student cohort, or groups of student cohorts students started (a group of student cohorts occurs when there are multiple class starts within a single month).


2. Number Started: The number of students who started in the program for each start date in the period, including students entering with advanced placement.


Start: Students are considered to have been in attendance for reporting purposes (Start) if, as a result of their attendance, they incur a tuition/fee or other financial obligation as specified by the institution’s refund policy. Fees or other obligations (i.e., uniforms, tools, etc.) are only those associated with actual attendance; not those considered part of the application for admission or enrollment process. In any event, any student enrolled 15 days from the scheduled start date of the program must be classified as a “start” for the purpose of reporting students on the Retention Chart.


3. Transfers to Another Program: The total number of students who transferred out of this program and into another ACCSC-approved program at the school.


4. Transfers from Another Program: The total number of students who transferred into this program from another ACCSC-approved program at the school, and whose progress in the program is concurrent with the students in this class start date.


5. Total Starts plus/minus Transfers: The total number of students who started, minus those who transferred out, plus those who transferred in. This is the total number of students on which graduation will be based.


6. Unavailable for Retention: This category removes from the graduation rate calculation students who fall into one of the following classifications: death, incarceration, active military service, or the onset of a medical condition that prevents continued enrollment.


7.  Students Available for Retention: The total number of students available for retention from the program.


8.  Withdrawn / Terminated Students: The number of students who withdrew or were terminated, within 150% of the program length, from the program. This number does not include the student classified as "Unavailable for Retention."


9. Total Retained Students









Many fields such as school name, address, accreditation dates and school director name are locked for editing. The school has the ability to input changes to its e-mail address, website, phone and fax numbers, and the official correspondence names and e-mail addresses. If there is a discrepancy for the School Director or the director’s email address, please complete a Change of Director form available on the Forms and Reports page of the ACCSC website and upload this on the College 360/Annual Report site.


Official Correspondence Name & Email Address: Please enter staff members to receive official Commission correspondence such as On-Site Evaluation Reports and Commission Action Letters. Please note that the school director receives all correspondence, so these fields are for staff members in addition to the school director to receive information.


Announcement / Correspondence Name & Email Address: Please enter names and email addresses of staff members to receive general accreditation announcements and member services events. These include Accreditation Alerts and information about ACCSC’s Professional Development Conference.  Individuals listed in the announcement / correspondence name and emails will not receive official correspondence such as On-Site Evaluation Reports and Commission Action Letters. Please note that the school director and individuals listed in the “Official Correspondence Name” fields receives all correspondence, so the “Announcement / Correspondence Name” fields are for staff members in addition to those listed above.


Department Directors: Please see the description under Part 1a – Additional Contacts on page 5 of this document.



Once the entire Annual Report is completed, click on the Submit Report button on the main Annual Report page.


This message will then appear:


This is to certify that to the best of my knowledge, all of the information submitted in the Annual Report, including the supporting information and documentation for the classifications provided in the Graduation and Employment Chart(s) on file, is truthful and accurate, and that the institution has operated in good faith compliance with ACCSC accreditation standards for the period covered by this Annual Report.


Select okay.


The report will then show if there are any errors or if you successfully completed the 2024 Annual Report.